The basic steps of using MyTune are as follows:
- Create a data log of the bike running
- Select a map in MyTune that matches the map you are running in the bike, or create a new map using the “Maps” menu
- Copy the VE tables from your tuning software into MyTune
- Load your data log into MyTune using the load logs button
- Copy the new VE tables from MyTune back to your tuning software
- Program the bike with your tuning software
Log type:
- Simple CSV
Always needed:
- ET (Engine Temp)
- INJ PW F (Injector Pulse Width Front)
- INJ PW R (Injector Pulse Width Rear)
- TP (Throttle Position)
- VE Front
- VE Rear
- Acel Enr (Accel Enrichment)
- Decl Enl (Degel Enleanment)
For narrowband tuning, add:
- VE New Front
- VE New Rear
For wideband tuning on lambda maps, add:
- Lambda1 (Lambda Front)
- Lambda2 (Lambda Rear)
- Set Lambda
For wideband tuning on AFR maps, add:
- AFR1 (AFR Front)
- AFR2 (AFR Rear)
- Set AFR
Install the evaluation on the computer you will be doing your tuning on. Run the evaluation and you can purchase from within MyTune.
- On your new computer, open MyTune and go to the Help menu.
- Select about/purchase to bring up a new window.
- Hit the “copy hardware ID” button.
- Go to the contact section of our website to send us a message.
- Make sure the email you enter is the same email that you purchased from.
- Paste the hardware ID you copied in step 2) into the message box.
- Add some text stating that you are requesting a new license.
- Hit the Send button.
- We will send you a new license when we verify your email.
If a built in map does not meet your needs, you can create any custom map you like. Follow these steps:
- In the top menu bar, select the “Maps” menu.
- Select “Copy/New”.
- In the window that pops up, fill in the name for the map and the comma separated values from your map.
- Click the “Save” button.
- When the window closes, your new map will already be selected and you can paste your values into it.